Thursday, November 8, 2007

November 13, 2007 Update

Curriculum and Instruction

Curriculum Discussions:

The summary of the Curriculum Needs Discussions has been provided in the Board Packet. The following District goals have been established for 2007-08:

*Implement the K-8 Reading Instruction Model and address identified
implementation needs.
*Develop a K-8 Writing Model to develop a scope and sequence between
grade levels and building.
*Continue to use a variety of assessments (ISAT, IMAGE, DIBELS, ISEL,
Curriculum Based assessment) to improve instruction.

Buildings are working on specific goals and the final page of the School Report Card will be posted by the end of the week. This will show the specific goals each building has established. In addition, for more details the final page will direct individuals to the specific school principal.

The building goals will further refine the District goals or address building specific issues based on individual needs identified by staff in each building. In addition, each building will continue to use team meeting times and SIP/Institute days to refine, develop, and evaluate the established goals.

To address the Writing Model a committee of teachers has been established and we are planning to meet November 20th to begin the process.

They will be provided a packet of information which will guide the process. It will be a multiple step process beginning with seeing how we currently address writing in relation to grade levels and the Illinois Writing Standards. It is also a time to share what else is being done with writing across the district.

Currently the following members have been identified for the committee:

DeLay School: Kristie Lupella, Meredith Holdman, Kristin Shell, and Kim McShea
Lace School: Bonnie Bucholz, Janet Boslett, Gerry Dulkoski and Ann Centers
Eisenhower: Jorie Kaspar, Marian Krupicka, Michelle Ktistou, Melissa McGannon

Staff Development

The survey results from the October 19, 2007 School Improvement Day are included in your packet.


IMAGE Testing:

There will be a change in the way students are tested. English Language Learners will take ISAT this year instead of the IMAGE testing. This change is due to the fact that the United States Department of Education (USDE) did not feel that the IMAGE testing met the NCLB criteria. This has been a concern from the USDE that the ISBE has been working with for the last three years.

This is not a unique challenge in Illinois as nationally school districts are working with identifying a type of assessment for a growing population of English Language Learners. Input meetings are taking place across the State to determine the types of acceptable accommodations that should be given to these students. DuPage County, through the DCCD (DuPage County Curriculum Directors), is gathering input for the county to share at the upcoming meeting. We have provided feedback on suggested accommodations.

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