Thursday, November 8, 2007

Curriculum Needs Summary


During the month of October the teachers in each building (Eisenhower-October 5th, DeLay-October 9th, and Lace-October 19th) were given the charge to answer two questions in relation to the curriculum needs in the district. Faculty were informed that the purpose of the task was to obtain feedback from them as to the direction the district should take in reviewing the curriculum across the district. Input would be gathered resulting in a strategic plan creating a long-term cycle for curriculum development and review within District 61.

Initially faculty met as buildings and answered the following question:
What subject area needs the most focus?
Summary of Feedback:

Of the 162 responses the following data was gathered: 55 % indicated Language
27 % indicated Math
9 % indicated Science
5 % indicated Social Studies
5 % indicated PE/Health
0 % indicated Spanish
0 % indicated Explore

Once this data identified the subject area for review, each building spent about 20 minutes focusing on Language to identify what they currently like, don’t like and offered prescription for change. Language encompasses reading, writing, speaking, and listening. These responses were later grouped under broader categories based on common elements or ideas.

Overall, the common items identified as "We Like" could be grouped into four categories: Writing, Vocabulary, Comprehension, and Technology.

The common items identified as we "Don't Like" could be grouped into four categories: Basal Series, Writing, Comprehension, and Other.

The common items identified as "Prescription for Change" could be grouped into four categories: Reading Strategies, Writing Strategies, Grammar/Spelling, and Personnel.

Plan of Action:

Based on the feedback received the focus this year will be to review aspects of Language.

Since we already have the K-8 Reading Instructional Model this would cover may of the elements listed under Vocabulary, Comprehension, Basal Series, and Reading Strategies. The goal for this area would be to:

•Implement the K-8 Reading Instruction Model and address identified implementation.

To address the writing comments an identified staff of teachers from each building and a variety of subject areas, should:

•Develop a K-8 Writing Model which will provide a scope and sequence between grade levels and building.

During the 2008-09 school year implementation changes as suggested will begin the process of review/recommendation for the next areas most identified: Mathematics.

The Overview attached shows the cycle to be followed beginning this year and continuing until 2017. While the cycle is listed below it is important to note that each year, as the cycle moves forward, curricular areas are at different phases of review and/or adoption.

Social Studies
Spanish/Explore/Fine Arts

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