Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The following provides an update on curriculum issues and assessment/screening issues in the district.

Curriculum and Instruction


The Reading Committee met on Friday, April 15, 2011. They discussed each building’s Accelerated Reader participation for the 2010-2011 school year. Committee members will remind teachers that Accelerated Reader is a required component of our reading curriculum. They continued reviewing and updating the District’s Reading Instruction Model. They added language to the document and revised the appendices and glossary. The purpose of the update was to better align the Reading Instruction Model with the District’s Response to Intervention framework.


The Writing Committee has established the agenda for Courtney Gordon’s return to the District on May 19, 2011. She will be working with staff members on grade level specific skills and/or techniques. Topics will range from troubleshooting with writing, note taking and researching skills, proofreading, conferencing, and assessment. Committee members have used Google docs to help facilitate the committee work in conjunction with grade level teams.


The Math Committee will be meeting to discuss grade level progress from the last School Improvement Day and focus on adjusting the mastery skills alignment with the Illinois Learning Standards Incorporating the Common Core.


The Science committee will be meeting on April 28, 2011 to finalize plans for the May 10th presentation to the Board of Education.

This presentation will be at the Board of Education’s Educational Roundtable on May 10, 2011. The meeting will begin at 7 pm at Eisenhower Junior High School. The meeting will be held in Eisenhower’s newly remodeled Science Lab area.

Report Card Committee

The Report Card Committee will meet again on May 12, 2011 to coordinate the on-going work with the prototype assessment. Committee members are working in their grade levels with the model and making adjustment to meet student needs at a variety of levels.