Friday, February 18, 2011

Friday, February 18, 2011

The following provides an update on curriculum issues and assessment/screening issues in the district.

Curriculum and Instruction


The Reading Committee met on Monday, February 7, 2011. The committee members read through the Common Core State Standards for Reading for Kindergarten through 5th grade to identify reading words and phrases that students will be expected to know. The committee’s goal is to select specific reading terms that need to be taught to ensure that students understand their grade level’s reading content material. In March, the committee will continue reviewing the Standards and selecting words for grades 6 through 8.


The Writing Committee met on Tuesday, February 15 to discuss plans for the May 19th schedule for Courtney Gordon’s return to District #61. Staff will be planning the day based on individual grade level and/or building needs. The process of developing rubrics for assessing student writing continues to be a goal for the committee this school year. They have established tasks for grade levels to work on during the March School Improvement Plan and Institute Days.

Finally, the committee has established the following goals for the 2011-12 school year:

Goal #1: Form a structured grammar and mechanics plan for each grade level
Goal #2: Form a list of types of writing (genre) for each grade level
Goal #3:
Make a parent handout regarding 6+1 Traits of Writing/Writer's Workshop


The Math Committee met on February 15, 2011 and covered a number of topics with regard to the math implementation. The committee readdressed the pre/post testing of math skills for students and made necessary adjustments. They discussed the communication that will need to take place in making parents aware of the changes in math instruction and mastery of skills. Finally, the members of the math committee are making grade level summer math packets that will go home with students at the end of the year. The packets will contain a review of the mastery skills associated with the grade level the student just completed. The hope is that the review will help with retention of the material that the student learned the previous year.


The Science committee will meet on March 3, 2011 to review the plans for their March presentation to the staff, continue to develop science SMART goals for each building, and analyze the results from the parent survey on Science.

The Science committee will be presenting an update to the Board of Education on the process they have gone through and the direction they are taking with Science education in District #61. This presentation will be on April 12, 2011 at the Board of Education’s Educational Roundtable. The meeting will begin at 7 pm at Eisenhower Junior High School.

Report Card Committee

The Report Card Committee will meet on March 10, 2011 at 3:15 PM.