Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday, September 24, 2010

The following provides an update on curriculum issues and assessment/screening issues in the district.

Curriculum and Instruction


On September 28, 2010 the committee will meet to discuss the following items: Accelerated Reader, Fall Benchmark Triangles (See comment under assessment/screening), Goals, and building updates on Guided Reading. They will be looking at any needed revisions in the area of Reading instruction in District #61.


District #61 began the year with continued writing training from Courtney Gordon, a consultant, who is helping teacher get writing off to a great start. In addition, time was spent with our speaker addressing specific grade level writing issues during a portion of the institute. Teachers found the beginning of the year training to be beneficial.


This is the first year of implementation of the recommendation presented to the Board of Education last May. Teachers at DeLay School are beginning the math implementation while teachers at other grade levels look at ways to move toward mastering of skills. The adoption implementation will occur over time so that children can progress at a reasonable pace.

The Board Presentation from last May can be found on the District website, ( along with the list of Common Vocabulary and Mastery Skills. On the site, click on Curriculum from the left hand column and scroll down to Math.


The Science Committee continues to review curriculum alignment and assess the topics taught from Kindergarten through eighth grade.

The Science committee met over the summer and are working on updating the Science Curriculum map using a common process of understanding the Big Ideas, asking the Essential Questions and Vocabulary. This process will continue for the current school year.

Report Card Committee

We will continue to investigate our current reporting system and communication with parents on children’s progress. Minor adjustments have been made to the current K – 5 Report Card to reflect curriculum changes in the areas of reading, writing and mathematics. The committee will be preparing a recommendation during the current school year in this area for the District.

They will continue to discuss the process that will need to be examined to bring about consistency in reporting on a child’s progress and articulation on the current structure among grade level teams.

Technology Update

Technology in District #61 is in the final year of the three-year purchase done in fiscal year 2009. The committee will be working to provided the Board with a recommendation for the future needs for technology in District #61.


Curriculum Committees will be reviewing the Assessment Overview and make recommendations for updates and changes during the current school year.