Friday, May 21, 2010

Friday, May 21, 2010

The following provides an update on curriculum issues and assessment/screening issues in the district.

As the 2009-10 school year comes to a close, this update serves as a review of the year for our curriculum. One of the strengths of the District is the time and energy that our teachers and administrators place on keeping our curriculum current and relevant. There was a tremendous amount of committee work that went on this year in District #61.

Curriculum and Instruction


Very positive happenings are occurring across the district with writing instruction during the first year of the implementation cycle. As curriculum continues to evolve the implementation is a continuous cycle with this year’s focus on providing staff and students with training and skills necessary for effective writing instruction. Teachers have participated in professional development activities during this school year specific to Writer’s Workshop and 6-Traits of Writing. Next year we will continue to use the services of Courtney Gordon, as a consultant, to work with assessment of writing and building of rubrics and mini-lessons.


On April 27th the Math Committee presented information to the School Board on their recommendation for math instruction. The committee was well received by the Board of Education as they presented their plan for mastery of skills and common vocabulary for staff and students.

The committee has been spending the year reviewing District curriculum and developing the recommendation for implementation. The Board Presentation can be found on the District website, ( along with the list of Common Vocabulary and Mastery Skills. On the site, click on Curriculum from the left hand column and scroll down to Math.


The Science Committee continues to review curriculum alignment and assess the topics taught from Kindergarten through eighth grade.

At their last meeting Joe Polasek presented the committee with an overview of how reference materials can be used to develop background knowledge for teachers on skills and concepts. In the future, the committee will be generating questions to be used to survey staff and parents about Science Education. This summer the committee will be working on further development of curriculum.

The committee’s next meeting is at 3:15 PM on Thursday, May 27, 2010.

Report Card Committee

The last meeting for this year was held on May 18, 2010. The committee reviewed feedback from grade levels on the current report cards. They discussed the process that will need to be examined to bring about consistency in reporting on a child’s progress and articulation on the current structure among grade level teams.

As the State of Illinois explores the growth model of assessment, this committee will continue to investigate our current assessment and reporting practices. They will compare our model to current research and information. Finally, based on a set of common standards, they will explore the most effective way to communicate that children are learning and successful.