Friday, March 19, 2010

Friday, March 19, 2010

The following provides an update on curriculum issues and assessment/screening issues in the district.

Curriculum and Instruction


On March 12th Courtney Gordon continued to share information with our teachers and students on writing. In the morning she demonstrated mini-lessons to students at each of the schools while staff members were able to observe. During the School Improvement Day activities Courtney was able to sharing information with our staff on assessing writing and the use of Rubrics.


On March 15th the Math Committee members presented information to their respective staff on the recommendation for math education in District #61. They shared common vocabulary, mastery skills, and gathered input from staff members. All this information will be presented to the School Board at the Education Roundtable beginning at 7 PM on April 27th. The committee was well received by the staff and looks forward to sharing information with the Board of Education next month.


The Science Committee continues to review curriculum alignment and assess the topics taught from Kindergarten through eighth grade.

Report Card Committee

The first meeting of the committee was held on Tuesday, March 15, 2010. The task of this committee will be to review the current research on reporting information, examine our current system and prepare a recommendation for the future direction. The committee members are:

EJH: Amy Steffgen, Deb Kowal, Sue Tullar

Lace: Michelle Greco, Caroline Matkowski, Chris Nolen

DeLay: Jessica Guziec, Gail Stocchero, Mary Andersen, Maryellen Fender

At their first meeting, Janet Boslett (4th Grade Teacher) shared background information on the current reporting system as she was a member of the original committee when the the reporting system in District #61 was last examined. The Committee work will begin by gathering input on the pros and cons of our current system.