Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday, February 5, 2010 Update

The following provides an update on curriculum issues and assessment/screening issues in the district.

Curriculum and Instruction


The Writing Committee will be meeting on February 9, 2010 as they continue to plan for upcoming events during the implementation year within our district. Courtney Gordon will be returning to the District on March 12, 2010 to work with our Language Arts/Writing teachers at each building. During this School Improvement Day Courtney will be with us while children are in session and in the afternoon when teachers will be participating in staff development activities.


The Committee met on January 21, 2010 to continues to develop the presentation on the upcoming math curriculum review. They discussed dates for implementation and needed time for the March 15th Teacher Institute. The committee requested three hours from the staff development committee and it was granted. During this three hours the committee will present to the staff at their buildings and work with their grade level on developing skills more deeply for mastery. They have schedule future meetings for planning and organizing the activities for the March Institute on February 9 and 22, 2010.


The Reading Committee met on Monday, February 1, 2010.

Committee members completed A Parent's Guide to District 61's K-8 Reading Instruction Model. This pamphlet outlines the components of a balanced literacy approach to teaching reading and the National Reading Panel’s instructional recommendations for an effective reading program. This document can soon be viewed on the District's website.

Committee members from each building shared their 2009-2010 DIBELS Benchmark triangles showing the comparison between the fall and winter scores. Kindergarten Phonemic Segmentation scores were strong and first grade scores in the same area increased significantly. The DeLay reading teachers attributed this success to the adoption of the Michael Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Program into the kindergarten and first grade curriculums during the 2008-2009 school year.

The committee discussed the need to update each building’s Three Tiered Reading Instruction Program Chart and the District’s Literacy Assessment Overview. Reading teachers from each building will make the necessary revisions so each document reflects current practices in District 61.

The dates for the District’s spring DIBELS Benchmarking are set as follows: Eisenhower students will be tested on May 4, Lace students on May 5, and DeLay students on May 6 and 7.


The Science Committee continues to align the Science Curriculum and where our District is with regards to Science instruction. They are working to present an overview of Science education in District #61 in a fashion that will be informative and useful to staff and parents.