Friday, December 4, 2009

Friday, December 4, 2009 Update

The following provides an update on curriculum issues and assessment/screening issues in the district.

Curriculum and Instruction


Teachers planned prior to the return of Courtney Gordon who spent the day with teachers in each building. The hands on training allowed for teachers to see demonstration lessons on writing using the techniques presented at the Opening Institute. The design of the professional development was to bring Courtney back to the District after teachers have had some time to work with Writer’s Workshop and 6 + 1 Traits of Writing. The exciting part about the training was that it met the specific needs of our staff. Teachers were able to spend time learning and working with the skills within their own building.

We look forward to Courtney’s return to our District later this year as we continue to focus on writing instruction and common vocabulary for our students and staff.


The Committee continues to develop the direction for the District Math curriculum with plans to make a recommendation to the Board of Education prior to the end of this school year.

Tasks that the committee has been working on include how to assess students to determine if they have mastery of specifically identified skills at certain grade levels. In addition, format of the assessment and other classroom assessments are being examined.

Committee members will be meeting in January with other grade level teachers to share the work of the committee. This is a year of study and the committee continues to ask important questions as they work to develop the math program of District #61.


The Reading Committee has been working on developing an overview of reading covering aspects, which are focus points for students. The purpose is to develop a handout to share with parents and other stakeholders explaining what reading is all about for District #61 students.

In addition, Reading Committee members have conducted Accelerated Reader orientation workshops in their buildings to familiarize teachers with the new web-based version of Accelerated Reader.


The Science Committee has been examining the current Science Curriculum and determining where our District is with regards to Science instruction. They have been identifying topics that are taught at each grade level. This curriculum area was last reviewed in 2001 and tied to the Illinois Standards. During this review we are able to reevaluate the alignment and assess our science instruction.

Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)

MAP has been administered to all children in grades 1 - 8 this year. Due to other assessments being used Kindergarten students will take the MAP assessment at a later time.