Friday, October 16, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009 Update

The following information is published in the October District Newsletter. The full newsletter, which will be mailed to the community, can be read by clicking on the link in the top left corner of the blog titled: October Newsletter. The full newsletter will be available after October 20, 2009.


A strength of District #61 is the commitment of the teaching staff working with students. In addition to the daily work with children, teachers serve on various curriculum committees during their tenure in the District. We currently have a number of committees working to ensure that the education your child receives is second to none.

Staff Development Committee

The Staff Development Committee, chaired by Ms. Amy Brundage, is responsible for the planning of Professional Development activities for the school year. This team, consisting of Nikki Alessi, Jen Daniels, Roy Wolski, Kerri Augustyniak, Ashley Burg, Janel Smith, Joey Bonanotte, Mary Andersen, Karen Pudil, Michelle Sleboda, and Kim Spears, along with administrative representation from Ellie Ambuehl, Bob Carlo, Marty Casey, Mike Fitzgerald, and Lisa Lantvit, meet on a regular basis to ensure that the needs of the building staff, curriculum committees, and administrators are effectively implemented. After each Institute teachers provide feedback to the committee which is used for future planning.

Reading Committee

The Reading Committee, chaired by Mrs. Betty Faron, was established in 2006 with the direction to examine reading and assessment. This committee, consisting of Mary Anderson, Cindy Folkens, Cheryl Halla, Veronica Heggie, Jane Moss, Karen Phomvisay, Donna Pidde, Pat Strittmatter, Karen Ochoa, Kim Schultz, and Sera Scharf, developed the K‐8 Reading Instruction Model as the foundation for reading instruction in District #61. This model is available on‐line for anyone wishing to read the document. It focuses teachers and staff on a common vision to provide a strong K‐8 balanced literacy program, which will empower each child to reach his or her highest potential.

Writing Committee

The Writing Committee, chaired by Mrs. Kristin Shell, was established in 2007. Committee members, consisting of Janet Boslett, Bonnie Bucholz, Gerry Dulkoski, Meredith Holdman, Jorie Kaspar, Michelle Ktistou, Kristie Lupella, Melissa McGannon, Kim McShea, Jen Reyes, and Caroline Pratt, investigated how writing is currently taught, what the best practices are in writing, and received training on writing in order to make the recommendation to create common writing elements for students and staff. District #61 teaches writing through writer’s workshop using the language of Six Traits. We began the school year with writing training for all staff members. This will continue during the school year and you will begin to see the common elements across grade levels as we progress.

Math Committee

The Math Committee, chaired by Mrs. Amy Steffgen, has been examining current mathematic practices and how we can bemore efficient with our instruction. Committee Members, Donna Adams, Kathy Atwood, Amy Brundage, Melissa Cox, Rhonda Esposito, Amy Mordaunt, Marion Nyhoff, Julia Polasek, and Julie Vallo, have been meeting to develop a list of skills that all children should have at a certain grade level. These skills are tied to age appropriateness, state standards, and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Focal Points. The committee is working to make a recommendation to the Board of Education later this year. That recommendation will be implemented in the Fall of 2010.

Science Committee

The Science Committee has been formed this year and will begin the process of examining our current science curriculum. Committee members, Jessica Guziec, Becky Johnston, Lisa Smith, Sally Sinow, Bob Johnson, Caroline Matkowski, Paula Perisin, Joe Polasek, and Cathy D’Aquila, will look at the current research on science education, best practices, State Standards and our current curriculum and determine the direction for the future.