Friday, September 4, 2009

Friday, September 4, 2009 Update

The following provides an update on curriculum issues and assessment/screening issues in the district. It is also posted at:

Curriculum and Instruction


The Opening Institute on August 27, 2009 was very successful featuring Courtney Gordon, from the Smekens Group. She was able to provide training for all staff members on writing in District #61 using Writers Workshop and 6+1 Traits. She spent the morning working with the entire staff. In the afternoon she traveled to each building for individual building meetings with staff members. The staff feedback has been positive and the Institute Survey results will be shared later this month.

We are looking forward to Courtney’s return in December and March of this school year.

The Committee should be commended on the hard work they have done to prepare for the writing implementation this year. A job well done.

The Math Committee met this summer to continue the development of the concepts for mastery. Amy Steffgen shared the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Focal Points with the committee. The Focal Points are a list of skills identified as central to math curriculum. The committee compared the work they currently have done with identifying District mastery skills to the NCTM Focal Points.

The next committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 21, 2009.

The Reading Committee has been working to be sure that the new Accelerated Reader program is up and running in each building. They are working with the technology team to be sure the teachers are able to fully use the new program.

In addition, they met this past week to establish the district-wide testing schedules for Fall testing.

Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)

MAP will be administered to all children beginning this year. Teacher received an in-service on this program during the Opening Institute activities. Teachers who used the program last year lead the training for the rest of the staff.