Tuesday, October 28, 2008

October 28, 2008 Update

The following provides an update on curriculum issues and assessment/screening issues in the district.

Curriculum and Instruction

The first meeting of the Writing Committee was held on Tuesday, September 30th. The following tasks have been identified:

1. Follow up from Summer Workshop: Getting the word out: The following timeline for gathering resources for the traits was developed: October: Ideas and Organization; November: Voice; December: Word Choice; January: Sentence Fluency and Conventions. In addition the Six Traits of Writing Handout was shared with the committee for use in each building. The resource book from the workshop will be used for each trait.

2. "Writing Workshop-The Essential Guide"/Observation Schedule: Committee members will be working with their building (staff and administration) to be sure everyone has read the book. It is felt that this will help in understanding how the two ideas (writing workshop and six traits) fit together. Teacher observation of teachers using Writer’s Workshop should be planned in each building.

3. Graphic Organizers: This items was not discussed, but EJH does have some they are using.

4. Future Direction: District #61 teaches writing through Writer’s Workshop using the Language of Six Traits.

5. Other items : The next meeting is scheduled for November 18th. Items for next meeting: Updates on the Resources they have gathered and Plans/suggestions for Possible summer curriculum work.


The first Math Committee meeting was held on Tuesday, October 7th. We shared feedback on the summer information and comments can be summarized as follows:

We are challenged by the reality (ways to best teach mathematics and what to teach) and ISAT (how we are judged on mathematics in Illinois).
Other topics included: fluency with basic facts; number sense; additional practice for skills and what skills; what is mastery in mathematics; how do we keep parents informed as sometimes it is different from how math has been taught.
What are the skills, according to research on the Brain, that children are able to process-Is this something we should be looking at as we look at Math instruction and skill development?
Currently our math scores are consistent and fairly strong.

The curriculum cycle was review and the following tasks are being worked on for the next meeting:

1. Review current curriculum document to see if we are doing what it says: (what adjustments need to be made at next meeting)
2. Identify 3-5 skills, at each grade level, that students should have mastery in by the end of the school year. Enter data on-line
3. Reformat the curriculum based on ISAT skills (to be done in future)

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, November 11, 2008.

Response to Intervention (RtI)

Building staffs have updated the Planned Improvement goals from 2007-08 and the goals for the current school year have/will be posted on the district website.


We continue to move forward on the implementation of MAP testing for students in grades one, three, and six. Teachers of these grade levels will be receiving training on MAP testing during the November 4th Institute.