Tuesday, August 26, 2008

August 26, 2008 Update

Welcome back to this year's Curriculum and Assessment Update. This first update provides you with the information we will be presenting to the staff during the Opening Institute on August 28, 2008.

Curriculum and Instruction

The goal of District #61 is to understand that writing is a complex process that evolves from thought and oral forms to written language. The process is more than practicing isolated skills and reflects a student's personal interpretation and voice. The process of writing is recursive and includes many steps.

It is the belief of District 61 that this process can improve student writing through the evaluation of results; developing a common vocabulary; incorporation of the Illinois Writing Framework; and use of peer editing. Grammar is necessary for quality writing and most relevant when developed in the context of writing.

The writing document has aligned what is currently being done with instruction in District # 61 at all grade levels. It has been complied by the writing committee based on gathering information from all staff members. The committee continues to work on developing common vocabulary for all students as they continue with their writing education.

Members of the Writing Committee are:
Janet Boslett, Bonnie Bucholz, Ann Centers, Gerry Dulkoski, Meredith Holdman, Jorie Kaspar, Marian Krupicka, Michelle Ktistou, Kristie Lupella, Melissa McGannon, Kim McShea, Kristin Shell, and Jen Reyes.

For the 2008-09 School Year:

1. A team of six teachers (Meredith Holdman, Jen Reyes, Janet Boslett, Kristen Shell, Bonnie Bucholz, and Veronica Heggie) attended a workshop: Using the Six-Trait Scoring Guide as a Teaching Tool. This workshop was held on August 7th and 8th in conjunction with Maercker District #60 and Gower District #62. The response from those in attendance was very positive. We will be planning ways for the information to be shared in each building.

2. Each Grade level was to have saved one piece of common writing which we will be able to be used for future common scoring sometime this year.

3. A document has been created that will be used to tie what we are using in relation to 6+1 traits' vocabulary. Each grade level will complete the chart for each area of writing.

4. We are asking that teachers read “Writing Workshop-The Essential Guide” this year. This book gives an overview of Writer's Workshop and will serve as a way to give everyone a common frame of reference of the writing process. Copies of the book are available in the District Office.

5. To further teachers’ experience with writing the committee has recommended time for teachers teaching Writer's Workshop to have others wanting to see writing in action get into those classrooms. This will be a process for 08-09 and will be an expectation for all teachers.

6. Graphic Organizers are currently being used and developed at EJH. EJH will be sharing the organizers they have developed with the committee for modification and use by other grades.

The Math Committee will continue the review cycle as the year begins. They had materials to review this summer to provide a common set of information to all members. More information will be coming from the committee as they meet. We will be starting by looking at what we are currently doing in math and how that aligns with what is best for our students, the current research on best practices, and the State of Illinois Standards.

Members of the committee are:

DeLay School: Julie Vallo, Rhonda Esposito, Donna Adams
Lace School: Marion Nyhoff, Kathy Atwood, Carol Kinder
Eisenhower Junior High: Amy Mordaunt, Julia Polasek, Amy Steffgen

Response to Intervention (RtI)
This summer RtI teams in each building have met and developed plans for the upcoming school year. These committees are working to meet the needs within their building and will develop goals for the school year. Minutes for meetings are being kept for future reference. More information will be coming as the committees meet.

Within District #61 we are looking at what we are currently using for assessment and what may need to be revisited. On July 16, 2008, representatives from various assessment companies presented information to a group of teachers and administrators. Presentations were given on Measurement of Academic Progress (MAP), Study Island, and AIMSweb. Feedback was provided from participants on the presentations and adjustments were made to the current assessment. We have developed a plan for district implementation and the revised Assessment Overview will be posted on the website in the future.