Tuesday, May 13, 2008

May 13, 2008 Update

The following provides an update on curriculum issues and assessment/screening issues in the district.

Curriculum and Instruction


The committee of teachers met on April 22nd. Topics covered follow:

1. Each Grade level will get one piece of common writing which we will be able to use for future scoring (Next year).

2. Information from other districts remain on the website for people to review. On April 23rd I met with Kathy Klees, from Naperville 203, which proved helpful and reaffirmed the process we are going through. They have been working on their process for a few years and went though some of the issues we are facing now. They would be willing to talk with committee members if wanted in the future.

3. A document has been created which will be used to tie what we are using and show a relation to 6+1 traits' vocabulary. Each grade level will complete the chart for each area of writing.

4. We will need to arrange a schedule for teachers teaching Writer's Workshop to have others wanting to see writing in action get into those classrooms. This will be a process for 08-09 and will be an expectation for all teacher.

5. I have looked into 6+1 training options for August. Also, future workshops on writing that teachers attend should have 6+1 traits as a basis. Planning is ongoing.

6. Graphic Organizers are currently being used and developed at EJH.  The committee looked at an organizer that was being use at grade 3.  EJH will be sharing the organizers they have developed with the committee for modification and use by other grades.


Currently the following members have been recommended for the Mathematics Committee:

DeLay School: Julie Vallo, Rhonda Esposito, Donna Adams
Lace School: Marion Nyhoff, Kathy Atwood, Carol Kinder
Eisenhower Junior High: Amy Mordaunt, Julia Polasek, Amy Steffgen

This committee will begin the curriculum review cycle during the 2008-09 school year. To prepare for the task they will be given articles and current research to review prior to the beginning of the school year. The information provided will give everyone some common understanding of what is "in the field" with regards to mathematic education. This information was gathered, at no charge, by Chicago State University and provided to the district for use with our curriculum development.

Response to Intervention (RtI)

Leadership teams have been established at each building. Along with the building administrators the following people are members of each school team:

EJH: Jen Manescalchi, Wendy Murphy, Julie Kowalski, Deb Kowal, Karen Ochoa, Amy Mordaunt, Julia Polasek, and Jen Stansbury

Lace: Angela Anderson, Betty Faron, LeeAnne Lewis, Mike Moyer, Carol Kinder, Megan Seagraves, Mary Govertson, and Andrea Behegan

DeLay: Mary Swenson, Nancy Jarrick, Amy Whitt, Cheryl Halla, Mary Fender, Jane Moss, Agnes Soch, and Angie Filas

Each team was to have reviewed the District Self Assessment and their input will be incorporated into the document which will be submitted to ISBE. In addition, the following teachers will be attending a RtI training session on May 22, 2008: Deb Kowal, Karen Ochoa, Angela Anderson, Mary Govertson, Jane Moss, and Mary Swenson.


Benchmarking DIBELS: This spring a new format was used to get the benchmark scores for students. The screening was done in each school's gym as a team of teachers assisted with the testing. Along with the reading teachers, resource teachers, ELL teachers, social workers, speech therapists, psychologist, and aides, conducted the screening for the students. This team effort allowed for a much more efficient use of resources and allowed for the teachers to bring their class to one location at the same time. The feedback on the process has been positive.