Tuesday, April 8, 2008

April 8, 2008 Update

The following provides an update on curriculum issues and assessment/screening issues in the district.

Curriculum and Instruction


The committee of teachers met on February 26th. The Writing Curriculum document has been updated and has been added to the web page.

Further discussion continues over the two types of writing being used at the elementary level. The group needs to further investigate the similarities and differences between the two methods. Ideas have been shared as to how that will be accomplished. Information gathered after the meeting has been posted on the Curriculum and Assessment website under Writing Committee. Additionally, information gained from other districts which shared electronic information on writing expectations is in the same location.

The next meeting is scheduled for April 22, 2008.

Illinois Textbook Adoption Grant

This has been completed and an order for purchases has been submitted to the State of Illinois for $43,741.35 which is over the allocated amount. Therefore, while most of what has been submitted should be received; this is about $2,000 worth of materials that we may receive if extra money is available from the State. Purchases were gathered from building staff and administration in all buildings.

Response to Intervention (RtI)

On March 7th a presentation was made to all staff members providing an overview of District # 61's current practices and RtI requirements. The presentation can be viewed at: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/,hFi2e,x78EaQ9aChClTMU0MZvteE4Pm
Copies of the powerpoint are included in the Board packet. Response to the Institute has been positive and is reflected in the Institute Evaluation.


Students in grades 2 and 5 have completed the testing which will be used for Discovery qualification purposes. Mrs. Kinder will be reviewing the scores and parents will be getting a printout of results in the near future.

ISAT testing is complete and have been returned to the State for scoring. We should be getting results back once the scoring is complete.