Tuesday, November 25, 2008

November 25, 2008 Update

The following provides an update on curriculum issues and assessment/screening issues in the district.

Curriculum and Instruction

The Writing Committee met on Tuesday, November 18th. The following projects will be created as they continue to work on the writing curriculum:

Committee members will be creating a video on teaching writing. This will serve as a way to help show others how Writer’s Workshop and 6 traits can be used in the classroom. Additionally, committee members will be working on developing lessons for the traits and generating a list of books for the traits. They will need develop how this will be organized to share with staff.

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, January 20, 2008.

The Math Committee meeting was held on Tuesday, November 11th. The following topics were discussed:
Committee members continued the process of creating the Mastery Skills chart and tied the skills to the State Standards. We will continue to review the skills and address gaps which may be identified as we continue the review process. They were encouraged to share the information in their buildings and bring feedback back to the next meeting. Upcoming topics will focus on feedback on current curriculum, filling in the skills gap, and assessment options.

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, January 13, 2008.

Response to Intervention (RtI)
Building staffs continue to work on their developed plans. The District RtI plan will summarize the goals for the district for the 2009-10 school year. This plan will be presented to the Board of Education on December 9th for approval. Once approved the plan will be electronically submitted to the State Board of Education. We anticipate, once received, that the State will provide feedback and further guidance on additional information they would need from the plan.

This month I am including a short update from the Principals on RtI.

Mark DeLay School
Analysis of individual student scores led to the formation of literacy groups at all grade levels, the assignment of ELL students to either two hour or one hour pull out instruction, based on need, and the placement of certain non-IEP students into Resource led interventions, such as Reading Mastery (Tier 3), as we progress monitor their academic growth. A small group of 2nd grade students have also been identified as low in phonemic awareness are now meeting before school several times a week with Jane Moss. Another group of 2nd grade students have been selected to work weekly with senior volunteers in a program entitled Poetry Academy in order to increase reading fluency.

Lace School
The Lace Staff decided to focus on the area of reading during the 2008/2009 school year. Teachers have been looking at the core curriculum and the District # 61 Reading Plan as the guidelines to meet the needs of our students. We have also examined the need to provide additional instructional time for those students who struggle with reading comprehension and fluency. This has resulted in some fruitful discussions about how to provide this additional time without short changing the students in other areas of learning.
One of the programs that we have been developed, and will be implemented beginning the week of November 17, 2008, is a reading assistance program. This program will meet on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays after school or for two hours on Saturday morning. Teachers recommended specific students who would benefit from this program based on assessment scores and classroom performance. The assessment scores used were 2008 ISAT (4th/5th) and Iowa Basic Skills results (3rd).

Eisenhower Junior High School
We adjusted our skills classes to align with RTI to increase the effectiveness of these classes which have already proven to be a great tool for improvement in student achievement. The teacher of the 7th and 8th grade reading and math plus classes, does all of the lesson planning with the student's regular reading and math teachers. The schedules of the students that were placed in these classes at the beginning of the year were also assigned a specific teacher so that the skills teacher would only have to plan with one teacher per department and grade level.

The beliefs that RTI is not a special ed. initiative, that all students have the right to interventions and strategies that differentiate for their ability level, and that data collection and recording was essential to diagnose and help all students was emphasized to the staff as a whole and once again in grade level teams.


The November 4th MAP training sessions went very well. Teachers and staff were very positive about the training and the potential of the assessment. The Fall assessments were given to the students in grades 1, 3, and 6 during the weeks of November 10th and 17th.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

October 28, 2008 Update

The following provides an update on curriculum issues and assessment/screening issues in the district.

Curriculum and Instruction

The first meeting of the Writing Committee was held on Tuesday, September 30th. The following tasks have been identified:

1. Follow up from Summer Workshop: Getting the word out: The following timeline for gathering resources for the traits was developed: October: Ideas and Organization; November: Voice; December: Word Choice; January: Sentence Fluency and Conventions. In addition the Six Traits of Writing Handout was shared with the committee for use in each building. The resource book from the workshop will be used for each trait.

2. "Writing Workshop-The Essential Guide"/Observation Schedule: Committee members will be working with their building (staff and administration) to be sure everyone has read the book. It is felt that this will help in understanding how the two ideas (writing workshop and six traits) fit together. Teacher observation of teachers using Writer’s Workshop should be planned in each building.

3. Graphic Organizers: This items was not discussed, but EJH does have some they are using.

4. Future Direction: District #61 teaches writing through Writer’s Workshop using the Language of Six Traits.

5. Other items : The next meeting is scheduled for November 18th. Items for next meeting: Updates on the Resources they have gathered and Plans/suggestions for Possible summer curriculum work.


The first Math Committee meeting was held on Tuesday, October 7th. We shared feedback on the summer information and comments can be summarized as follows:

We are challenged by the reality (ways to best teach mathematics and what to teach) and ISAT (how we are judged on mathematics in Illinois).
Other topics included: fluency with basic facts; number sense; additional practice for skills and what skills; what is mastery in mathematics; how do we keep parents informed as sometimes it is different from how math has been taught.
What are the skills, according to research on the Brain, that children are able to process-Is this something we should be looking at as we look at Math instruction and skill development?
Currently our math scores are consistent and fairly strong.

The curriculum cycle was review and the following tasks are being worked on for the next meeting:

1. Review current curriculum document to see if we are doing what it says: (what adjustments need to be made at next meeting)
2. Identify 3-5 skills, at each grade level, that students should have mastery in by the end of the school year. Enter data on-line
3. Reformat the curriculum based on ISAT skills (to be done in future)

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, November 11, 2008.

Response to Intervention (RtI)

Building staffs have updated the Planned Improvement goals from 2007-08 and the goals for the current school year have/will be posted on the district website.


We continue to move forward on the implementation of MAP testing for students in grades one, three, and six. Teachers of these grade levels will be receiving training on MAP testing during the November 4th Institute.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

September 30, 2008 Update

The following provides an update on curriculum issues and assessment/screening issues in the district.

Curriculum and Instruction

The first meeting of the Writing Committee this year will be on Tuesday, September 30th. The following agenda items will be discussed:

1. Follow up from Summer Workshop: Getting the word out
2. "Writing Workshop-The Essential Guide"/Observation Schedule
3. Graphic Organizers
4. Future Direction
5. Other items


The first Math Committee meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 7th. Prior to this meeting the members have been asked to review the materials that they received prior to the end of last year. They have been asked to bring ideas and suggestions as the review cycle for mathematics begins.

Response to Intervention (RtI)

Leadership teams continue to meet in each building. Building staffs are updating the Planned Improvement goals from 2007-08 and developing the goals for the current school year. These are scheduled to be posted on the website by the end of October.


We continue to move forward on the implementation of MAP testing for students in grades one, three, and six. Bob Hotton is beginning to work on the background set up of the program with our current servers. We are expecting to roll out the program at the identified grade levels in November. More information will be coming as we continue to move forward. The revised Assessment Overview is posted on the Darien #61 website.

The Local Assessment database is being shared with individual buildings and modifications are being made to the database and CRT to meet individual needs for getting student data.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

August 26, 2008 Update

Welcome back to this year's Curriculum and Assessment Update. This first update provides you with the information we will be presenting to the staff during the Opening Institute on August 28, 2008.

Curriculum and Instruction

The goal of District #61 is to understand that writing is a complex process that evolves from thought and oral forms to written language. The process is more than practicing isolated skills and reflects a student's personal interpretation and voice. The process of writing is recursive and includes many steps.

It is the belief of District 61 that this process can improve student writing through the evaluation of results; developing a common vocabulary; incorporation of the Illinois Writing Framework; and use of peer editing. Grammar is necessary for quality writing and most relevant when developed in the context of writing.

The writing document has aligned what is currently being done with instruction in District # 61 at all grade levels. It has been complied by the writing committee based on gathering information from all staff members. The committee continues to work on developing common vocabulary for all students as they continue with their writing education.

Members of the Writing Committee are:
Janet Boslett, Bonnie Bucholz, Ann Centers, Gerry Dulkoski, Meredith Holdman, Jorie Kaspar, Marian Krupicka, Michelle Ktistou, Kristie Lupella, Melissa McGannon, Kim McShea, Kristin Shell, and Jen Reyes.

For the 2008-09 School Year:

1. A team of six teachers (Meredith Holdman, Jen Reyes, Janet Boslett, Kristen Shell, Bonnie Bucholz, and Veronica Heggie) attended a workshop: Using the Six-Trait Scoring Guide as a Teaching Tool. This workshop was held on August 7th and 8th in conjunction with Maercker District #60 and Gower District #62. The response from those in attendance was very positive. We will be planning ways for the information to be shared in each building.

2. Each Grade level was to have saved one piece of common writing which we will be able to be used for future common scoring sometime this year.

3. A document has been created that will be used to tie what we are using in relation to 6+1 traits' vocabulary. Each grade level will complete the chart for each area of writing.

4. We are asking that teachers read “Writing Workshop-The Essential Guide” this year. This book gives an overview of Writer's Workshop and will serve as a way to give everyone a common frame of reference of the writing process. Copies of the book are available in the District Office.

5. To further teachers’ experience with writing the committee has recommended time for teachers teaching Writer's Workshop to have others wanting to see writing in action get into those classrooms. This will be a process for 08-09 and will be an expectation for all teachers.

6. Graphic Organizers are currently being used and developed at EJH. EJH will be sharing the organizers they have developed with the committee for modification and use by other grades.

The Math Committee will continue the review cycle as the year begins. They had materials to review this summer to provide a common set of information to all members. More information will be coming from the committee as they meet. We will be starting by looking at what we are currently doing in math and how that aligns with what is best for our students, the current research on best practices, and the State of Illinois Standards.

Members of the committee are:

DeLay School: Julie Vallo, Rhonda Esposito, Donna Adams
Lace School: Marion Nyhoff, Kathy Atwood, Carol Kinder
Eisenhower Junior High: Amy Mordaunt, Julia Polasek, Amy Steffgen

Response to Intervention (RtI)
This summer RtI teams in each building have met and developed plans for the upcoming school year. These committees are working to meet the needs within their building and will develop goals for the school year. Minutes for meetings are being kept for future reference. More information will be coming as the committees meet.

Within District #61 we are looking at what we are currently using for assessment and what may need to be revisited. On July 16, 2008, representatives from various assessment companies presented information to a group of teachers and administrators. Presentations were given on Measurement of Academic Progress (MAP), Study Island, and AIMSweb. Feedback was provided from participants on the presentations and adjustments were made to the current assessment. We have developed a plan for district implementation and the revised Assessment Overview will be posted on the website in the future.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

June 24, 2008 Update

The following provides an update on curriculum issues and assessment/screening issues in the district.

Curriculum and Instruction


1. A team of six teacher (Meredith Holdman, Jen Reyes, Janet Boslett, Kristen Shell, Bonnie Bucholz, and Veronica Heggie) will be attending a workshop: Using the Six-Trait Scoring Guide as a Teaching Tool. This workshop will be held on August 7th and 8th in conjunction with Maercker District #60 and Gower District #62. We were able to fund teachers attending the training using grant money.

The workshop presenter, Jan Chappuis, is an experienced educator with twenty years as a fourth-through ninth-grade teacher and district level curriculum and implementation specialist. She is currently a Classroom Assessment Specialist with the Assessment Training Institute in Portland, Oregon.

2. Other tasks identified in May will continue this summer and during the 2008-09 School Year.


1. Committee members have materials to review over the summer and the curriculum review cycle will continue this Fall.

Response to Intervention (RtI)

Six teachers (Deb Kowal, Karen Ochoa, Angela Anderson, Mary Govertson, Jane Moss, and Mary Swenson) attended a RtI training session on May 22, 2008 and have shared with me that it was a worthwhile event. Their feedback has been shared with the building principals so that the Leadership teams will receive information on the training.

Some Common threads among the comments from the teachers were:

Conference was excellent; very challenging to get everyone on board and
there are so many meeting; need a universal screening process; need
professional development of all staff; data review and documentation are big;
need for collaboration.


The DuPage ROE is focusing on how they can provide support to districts working through the RtI process. In an effort to increase dialogue on assessment a video conference was arranged between a number of administrators in DuPage County and Dr. Rick Stiggins from the Assessment Training Institute. Representing District #61 at this session was Maureen Kelly and Bob Carlo. The format was question and answer in which Dr. Stiggins was able to address some of the commons needs identified in DuPage County. In addition, the document: Assessment Manifesto: A Call for the Development of Balanced Assessment Systems was provided to the participants to review prior to the conference.

This information was shared with administrators in District #61 and area Superintendents. Future conversations are being planned as many districts in DuPage county are looking at assessment as it relates to student achievement and Response to Intervention.

Within District #61 we are looking at what we are currently using for assessment and what may need to be revisited. The revised Curriculum Overview will be posted on the website in the future.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

May 13, 2008 Update

The following provides an update on curriculum issues and assessment/screening issues in the district.

Curriculum and Instruction


The committee of teachers met on April 22nd. Topics covered follow:

1. Each Grade level will get one piece of common writing which we will be able to use for future scoring (Next year).

2. Information from other districts remain on the website for people to review. On April 23rd I met with Kathy Klees, from Naperville 203, which proved helpful and reaffirmed the process we are going through. They have been working on their process for a few years and went though some of the issues we are facing now. They would be willing to talk with committee members if wanted in the future.

3. A document has been created which will be used to tie what we are using and show a relation to 6+1 traits' vocabulary. Each grade level will complete the chart for each area of writing.

4. We will need to arrange a schedule for teachers teaching Writer's Workshop to have others wanting to see writing in action get into those classrooms. This will be a process for 08-09 and will be an expectation for all teacher.

5. I have looked into 6+1 training options for August. Also, future workshops on writing that teachers attend should have 6+1 traits as a basis. Planning is ongoing.

6. Graphic Organizers are currently being used and developed at EJH.  The committee looked at an organizer that was being use at grade 3.  EJH will be sharing the organizers they have developed with the committee for modification and use by other grades.


Currently the following members have been recommended for the Mathematics Committee:

DeLay School: Julie Vallo, Rhonda Esposito, Donna Adams
Lace School: Marion Nyhoff, Kathy Atwood, Carol Kinder
Eisenhower Junior High: Amy Mordaunt, Julia Polasek, Amy Steffgen

This committee will begin the curriculum review cycle during the 2008-09 school year. To prepare for the task they will be given articles and current research to review prior to the beginning of the school year. The information provided will give everyone some common understanding of what is "in the field" with regards to mathematic education. This information was gathered, at no charge, by Chicago State University and provided to the district for use with our curriculum development.

Response to Intervention (RtI)

Leadership teams have been established at each building. Along with the building administrators the following people are members of each school team:

EJH: Jen Manescalchi, Wendy Murphy, Julie Kowalski, Deb Kowal, Karen Ochoa, Amy Mordaunt, Julia Polasek, and Jen Stansbury

Lace: Angela Anderson, Betty Faron, LeeAnne Lewis, Mike Moyer, Carol Kinder, Megan Seagraves, Mary Govertson, and Andrea Behegan

DeLay: Mary Swenson, Nancy Jarrick, Amy Whitt, Cheryl Halla, Mary Fender, Jane Moss, Agnes Soch, and Angie Filas

Each team was to have reviewed the District Self Assessment and their input will be incorporated into the document which will be submitted to ISBE. In addition, the following teachers will be attending a RtI training session on May 22, 2008: Deb Kowal, Karen Ochoa, Angela Anderson, Mary Govertson, Jane Moss, and Mary Swenson.


Benchmarking DIBELS: This spring a new format was used to get the benchmark scores for students. The screening was done in each school's gym as a team of teachers assisted with the testing. Along with the reading teachers, resource teachers, ELL teachers, social workers, speech therapists, psychologist, and aides, conducted the screening for the students. This team effort allowed for a much more efficient use of resources and allowed for the teachers to bring their class to one location at the same time. The feedback on the process has been positive.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

April 8, 2008 Update

The following provides an update on curriculum issues and assessment/screening issues in the district.

Curriculum and Instruction


The committee of teachers met on February 26th. The Writing Curriculum document has been updated and has been added to the web page.

Further discussion continues over the two types of writing being used at the elementary level. The group needs to further investigate the similarities and differences between the two methods. Ideas have been shared as to how that will be accomplished. Information gathered after the meeting has been posted on the Curriculum and Assessment website under Writing Committee. Additionally, information gained from other districts which shared electronic information on writing expectations is in the same location.

The next meeting is scheduled for April 22, 2008.

Illinois Textbook Adoption Grant

This has been completed and an order for purchases has been submitted to the State of Illinois for $43,741.35 which is over the allocated amount. Therefore, while most of what has been submitted should be received; this is about $2,000 worth of materials that we may receive if extra money is available from the State. Purchases were gathered from building staff and administration in all buildings.

Response to Intervention (RtI)

On March 7th a presentation was made to all staff members providing an overview of District # 61's current practices and RtI requirements. The presentation can be viewed at: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/,hFi2e,x78EaQ9aChClTMU0MZvteE4Pm
Copies of the powerpoint are included in the Board packet. Response to the Institute has been positive and is reflected in the Institute Evaluation.


Students in grades 2 and 5 have completed the testing which will be used for Discovery qualification purposes. Mrs. Kinder will be reviewing the scores and parents will be getting a printout of results in the near future.

ISAT testing is complete and have been returned to the State for scoring. We should be getting results back once the scoring is complete.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

February 26, 2008 Update

The following provides an update on curriculum issues and assessment/screening issues in the district.

Curriculum and Instruction


The Writing Committee members, working with staff members in each building, have compiled the information to fill in the document provided to the Board of Education in the December 11th Board packet.

The committee of teachers will meet on February 26th to provide updates on:

1. Curriculum document:
Needed Junior High Info.
Feedback from sharing in each building
Curriculum overlaps
2.  Units of Study for Teaching Writing and 6+1 Traits of Writing: Sharing of information and findings from committee members

3.  Follow up on identification of what else is done for writing that is not represented in the document.

I will be able to provide additional information on the outcome of this meeting at the Board meeting.

Illinois Textbook Adoption Grant

Currently we are in the process of identifying materials to be purchased using funds from the State of Illinois. The funds can be used to purchase materials for students in grades K - 6 this year. The Writing Committee has determined that these funds would not be needed for any writing materials. Any materials needed for writing would be resources and not materials available through the grant. Therefore, money is being allocated for the purchase of Reading supplemental materials which will further assist as we develop the Response to Intervention process in the district. Pat Strittmatter, working with the building staff, is identifying materials to be used in the libraries. This money, along with the small State of Illinois Library Grant, will be used to add materials in each library. The music staff has identified materials to update the music curriculum at K - 5. EJH has identified materials to assist ELL learners, struggling readers and math skills materials to assist with RtI. Finally, we will be able to purchase manipulatives for our current math program and replacement and/or additional textbooks for current core curriculum areas. Once we have the complete list we will rank the items and purchase as much as allocated through the State Grant.

Response to Intervention (RtI)

The Administration has completed a self-assessment at the District Level to see how we see RtI in District # 61. On March 7th a presentation will be made to all staff members providing an overview of District # 61 current practices and RtI requirements. The focus of the presentation will be to show that we have been and continue to move in the direction of RtI with our Staff Development Plan, Reading Instructional Model, Student Support Teams, and District Writing Committee. A timeline proposed for implementation will be presented as each building will develop leadership teams to work in conjunction with the established goals and objectives outlined in the District Mission statement. Adjustments will be made as we continue on the journey with how we utilize staff to meet the needs of our students. The information can be added to the website after the March 7th presentation to staff. Further training and education will continue as the State develops a self assessment and template to record district plans.


Students in grades 3 -8 will be taking the Illinois Standards Achievement Test (ISAT) during the weeks of March 3rd - 14th. Grade level testing schedules are being developed at Lace and Eisenhower as those students will be tested in Reading and Mathematics. In addition, students in Grades 4 and 7 grade will be tested in Science and students in 5th, 6th, and 8th will be tested in Writing.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

January 22, 2008 Update

Curriculum and Instruction


The Writing Committee members, working with staff members in each building, have complied the information to fill in the document provided to the Board of Education in the December 11th Board packet.

The committee of teachers meet on January 22nd to:

1.  Review the updated curriculum document, bringing any additions,
corrections, changes, in content, to the meeting.  
2.  Identify any overlaps, repeats, and/or concerns when looking at
the curriculum across the years.
3.  Bring any needs related to writing that will require that funding
be secured.
4.  Identify what else is done for writing that is not represented on
the attachment.

I will be able to provide additional information on the outcome of this meeting at the Board meeting or in February.

Gifted Education

Based on the new testing Mrs. Kinder and Ms. Brundage are updating the information sheet provided to parents about the Discovery Program. They are also working to update the reporting instrument.

At Eisenhower Junior High Mr. Fitzgerald has been talking with his staff to identify teachers interested and willing to be trained in teaching gifted students. These individuals would be able to teach these classes in the future and provide consistency for the program. This has been done in the past, but with the changes at EJH it needs to be readdressed.



Reading Staff have administered the second round of progress monitoring and are working to record the data on the local assessment data base. They are providing feedback on the program and revisions are being made to the program based on use and what is needed for reports to staff. The program is set up so that once data is entered a staff member can see multiple years of information on children in their classroom for DIBELS, ISEL, and CBA's. Entering the data has been slow, but it is expected to be quicker once the bandwidth adjustments are addressed. In addition, Mr. Hotton is looking into FileMaker user issues which might have an impact on the speed of the program.


As stated in September:

Second grader will be given the Iowa Test of Basic Skills in the areas of math, reading, and language and the Cognitive Abilities Test.

Fifth graders will take the Cognitive Abilities Test.

These tests have been reinstated as the results will be useful, along with ISAT data and teacher recommendation, to identify students for the Discovery program in third grade and sixth.

This test will be administered the week of February 25th at DeLay and Lace.