Wednesday, October 10, 2007

October 9, 2007 Update

The following information was provided to the Board of Education on October 9, 2007. The information provides an update on Curriculum and Assessment for the current school year.

Curriculum and Instruction

Curriculum Discussions:

In October buildings have or will be conducting a curriculum needs assessment to determine what subject area(s) need the most focus from a teacher's perspective. A thirty minute meeting will be the kick off in each building to identify the curriculum needs and what we are currently doing that we like, don't like, and prescription for change.

Scheduled Dates for Curriculum Needs Assessments:
Eisenhower Junior High: October 5th
Mark DeLay School: October 9th
Lace School: October 19th

Once the needs are identified we will establish a curriculum cycle which will lay out a plan for regular review and recommendations for curriculum in the district. All feedback from the staffs at each building will be coordinated and shared as we move forward. It is anticipated that a summary should be available by the November update.

Staff Development

The Staff Development committee met on Wednesday, October 3, 2007. The Committee Chairperson for the 2007-08 school year is Amy Brundage.

In addition, we have made changes in the terms of membership. Beginning this year teachers will serve as members on rotating three year terms. The committee currently has representation from each building. The Staff Development plan is in place and will continue to fine tune the plan for the rest of the year and begin the planning of the final year of the three year plan later this year.


Illinois Snapshots of Early Literacy (ISEL)

All information has been entered into a database which will be exported into the CRT program by Mr. Hotton. CRT data should be up and available to teachers by the October 19th School Improvement Day Early Dismissal. In the future we will be able to generate reports as needed based on feedback from teacher needs. The double entering of data will be eliminated as teachers will be able to enter the data directly to the CRT web site.

Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS)

Results are being entered into a spreadsheet which will be exported into the CRT by Mr. Hotton. CRT data should be up and available to teachers by October 19th School Improvement Day Early Dismissal. In the future we will be able to generate reports as needed based on feedback from teacher needs. The double entering of data will be eliminated as teachers will be able to enter the data directly to the CRT website.